Duder5000's Homebrew

Curse Grafter

Pause Exorcism

1st-level Curse Grafter feature
As a Reaction when a Cursed Spirit within 5ft reaches 0 HP, you can temporarily prevent it from being exorcized. The spirit is stabilized & Unconscious for PB x 5 minutes. If the spirit has a regeneration effect or another creature attempts to heal it, they must roll a CE Skill Check against your CE Save DC for the healing to take effect. You can only have 1 spirit paused in this way at a time. The spirit is exorcized at the end of this effect.
15ft at 3rd level, 30ft at 6th level, 60ft at 11th level, 120ft at 18th level.


1st-level Curse Grafter feature
You can remove & stabilize part of a Cursed Spirit, to later graft it onto your body or the body of another with this CT. This process takes 10 minutes. Once complete, the part of the spirit remains stabilized for PB days, after this time if it hasn’t been grafted it is exorcized. The body part to be harvested is determined by the DM based on which of the spirit’s abilities you are attempting to take. Any given body part can only have 1 ability.


1st-level Curse Grafter feature
Over the course of a Long Rest you can add or remove 1 graft from your body or the body of another with this CT. Some of these grafts will require you to remove the corresponding body part on your body. You can’t have more than your PB grafts applied to your body without risking losing control.

  • If you have more grafted parts than your limit, each time you roll initiative, you must make a CE Saving Throw (DC = 10 + 2 x number of parts currently grafted) or lose control. If you fail, the fragment of the spirit contained in 1 of your grafts takes control. Which graft takes control is determined by the DM (suggestions: random, highest CR, most recent graft). You can repeat this save at the end of each of your turns.
  • If a graft takes over, the DM has control of your character until the graft is removed or you succeed on the saving throw.
  • A creature can attempt to identify which graft is in control as an Action with either an Investigation or Perception skill check with the same DC as rolled at initiative.
  • A graft can be removed with the same rules as the Limb Table or as an Action with an Arcana skill check. Once removed the graft is exorcized unless a use of this CT uses their Reaction to stabilize it, using the Pause Exorcism.

Efficient Graft

3rd-level Curse Grafter feature
You can reduce the cost of an ability that costs CE by -1 (minimum 1), PB times per Long Rest.

Grafted Body

6th-level Curse Grafter feature
Your graft limit increases to your PB + CE mod. Additionally, you can graft twice as many of any body part as your normal body has (Ex: If your body normally has 2 arms, you can now graft up to 4 arms, on/replacing your original arms plus 2 additional), these count against your limit as normal.

Long Term Storage

11th-level Curse Grafter feature
Harvested body parts now remain stabilized indefinitely as long as it isn’t more than 60ft away from you for more than 24 hours.

Quick Graft

11th-level Curse Grafter feature
You can now graft parts you have stabilized as an Action (you can also remove a graft as part of this Action if they occupy the same area). However, the human body can’t handle such rapid change. When you do so you must make a CE Saving Throw (DC = 10 + 2 x number of parts currently grafted), on a failure the you gain 1 point of Exhaustion (the graft completes either way).

Domain Expansion: Frankenstein's Lab

18th-level Curse Grafter feature

  • This is a Lethal Domain.
  • While in your domain, grafts that cost CE, cost half their normal CE cost (Efficient Graft can stack with this).
  • Each round at initiative 20, you can choose 1 graft that you have ever created and add it to your body, you can go beyond your normal limit without requiring a Saving Throw. This includes grafts that have been exorcized. Additionally, if you have previously created a graft of a left body part you can change it to a right body part as part of this action, or vice versa.

Part Area Chart

Level Areas
1st Level Finger, Hand, Forearm, Upper Arm, Thigh, Lower Leg, Foot, Toe, Top of Head
6th Level Back, Chest, Abdomen, Pelvis
11th Level Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth, Jaw, Neck
18th Level Heart, Lung, Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Spine, Rib Cage