Duder5000's Homebrew

Cursed Tools

Snake Eyes & Fangs Walkman

Grade 1, Requires Attunement
This Cursed Tool appears to be a standard Walkman, except for the Snake Eyes and Fangs sigil of the Inumaki clan engraved on it. Not so long ago, Ren Inumaki experimented with using recordings of her voice, attempting to replicate the effects of Cursed Speech without the damage to her vocal cords. Unfortunately, her experiments failed during her lifetime. However, at the end of her life, she formed a Binding Vow, trapping her spirit within this Walkman, in the hopes of reducing the harm to her son from using their family's technique, granting it a limited form of Cursed Speech.
Daily at dawn, a new tape appears within this Walkman if a tape isn't already in it. This tape is an echo of Ren Inumaki's experiments with it, a 'copy' of the tape she made on that day of the year during her life. Whenever you complete a Long Rest, roll a die / dice depending on your Maximum CE. The numbers rolled correspond to a Cursed Speech word of power. You can use each of these words once (without spending CE), after which the tape crumbles to dust. These words of power are cast as if you were a Cursed Speech user with a level equal to half your character level.

Maximum CE Die Size Dice Count Words
5 d4 1 Sleep - Blast Away
10 d6 1 Sleep - Get Twisted
20 d6 2 Sleep - Get Twisted
25 d8 2 Sleep - Don't Move
30 d10 2 Sleep - Die
45 d11* 3 Sleep - Die, Retard

*You can remove 1 words of your choosing from the list of options & roll a d10 instead.

New Word: Retard

As an Action for 25 Cursed Energy, you force a creature to make a CE Saving Throw. On a failure, the creature's Intelligence, Wisdom, & Charisma scores become 1. The creature can't cast spells, activate magic items, understand language, or communicate in any intelligible way. The creature can, however, identify its friends, follow them, and even protect them. At the end of each day, the creature can repeat its saving throw. If it succeeds on its saving throw, the effect ends.
Each time you use Retard via the Walkman, it gains a crack. One crack heals each week or each session (which ever comes first). If the Walkman gains 2 cracks, the weakness within it causes it to be less effective, it is reduced to only rolling 2 dice. If the Walkman ever has 4 cracks, it is destroyed & an all remaining words on the tape are released effecting all creatures within 30ft.