Duder5000's Homebrew

Shadow Extensions

Feat: Shadow Extensions

Prerequisites: Must have at least 3 subjugated Shikigami
When you take this feat, you can choose 3 of the Ten Shadows' Shikigami. You learn an Extension Technique for the selected Shikigami, allowing you to use an aspect of the Shikigami yourself. You must have a Shikigami subjugated in order to select it for this feat. The feat can be taken multiple times. The thrid time you take this feat you may choose 4 Shikigami.

Divine Dog: Pack Mentality

You can manifest Divine Dog's mindset, improving your combat with allies.
As a Bonus Action, costing 6 CE, for the next minute, you gain the Pack Tactics ability.

Gama: Frog-like

You can manifest Gama's aquatic abilities.
As a Bonus Action, costing 1 CE, for the next minute, you gain a 30ft Swim Speed and the Amphibious ability.

Nue: Shock Cloak

You can manifest Nue's Shock ability, cloaking your body in lightning.
As a Bonus Action, costing 3 CE, for the next minute, your melee attacks deal an extra 2d4 Lightning damage, and whenever a creature hits you with a melee weapon, they take 1d4 Lightning damage.

Great Serpent: Bind

You can manifest Great Serpent's Constrict ability, transforming your arm into the tail of Great Serpent, then lashing out and grabbing a target.
As an Attack, costing 1 CE, you choose 1 creature you can see within 15ft. Make a melee CE attack. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 + CE mod Bludgeoning (magical) damage and is Grappled. You can use your CE mod instead of Strength for the contested escape check.

Rabbit Escape: Rabbit Cannon

You can manifest one of Rabbit Escape's rabbit clones and launch it at a target.
As an Attack, costing 1 CE, you throw a rabbit clone from your shadow at a creature in range (30/120). Make a ranged CE attack. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 + CE mod Slashing (magical) damage and gains 1 point of the Bleeding condition.

Max Elephant: Piercing Flood

You can manifest Max Elephant's Flood ability by firing a jet of water from your hands.
As an Action, costing 10 CE, you unleash a 50ft line, causing your opponent to make a Dexterity Saving Throw. They take 10d8 Piercing (magical) damage on a failure or half as much on a success.

Piercing Ox: Goring Rush

You can manifest Piercing Ox's horns and speed to rush down your enemies.
As an Action, costing 2 CE, you can move up to your speed and make a melee CE attack. On a hit, the target takes 1d12 + CE mod Piercing (magical) damage, plus an additional d12 of damage for each 10ft moved during this action.

Round Deer: Aura of Vitality

You can manifest Round Deer's RCT aura, allowing you to heal your allies.
As an Action, costing 3 CE, you can cast the Aura of Vitality spell.
Duration: 1 minute (Concentration). Range: Self (30ft aura). Until the spell ends, the aura moves with you, centered on you. You can use a Bonus Action to cause one creature in the aura (including you) to regain 2d6 HP.

Mourn Tiger: Phase

You can manifest Mourn Tiger's Incorporeal ability, allowing you to pass through walls and creatures.
As a Bonus Action (costing no CE), you become incorporeal until the start of your next turn. While incorporeal, you can move through other creatures and objects as if they weren't there. However, if you are in the same space as a creature or object when this effect ends, you are shunted to the closest empty space, taking 2d4 Force damage for every 5ft.

Mahoraga: Executioner's Blade

You can manifest Mahoraga's positive energy blade.
As an Action, costing 15 CE, the Executioner's Blade appears on your arm. You are proficient with it and you can use your CE mod instead of Strength or Dexterity.