Duder5000's Homebrew

Wire Manipulation


1st-level Wire Manipulation feature
At 1st level, you gain Proficiency in Weighed Chains & Whips.

Angel’s Wire

1st-level Wire Manipulation feature
As a Free Action (once per turn), you can summon a wire. The wire can take the form of either a Weighted Chain or a Whip. You can summon additional wire as an Action or Bonus Action on the same turn.

  • Attacks with your wires are considered magical.
  • Your wires have the Light property.
  • You can do this for free up to your PB times per Long Rest, after that you must spend 1 CE per wire.
  • The wires fade from existence after 10 minutes.
  • Weighed Chain: The DC for the Strength check is equal to your CT Save DC.
  • Whip: The whip has a reach of 15ft.

Improved Angel’s Wire

3rd-level Wire Manipulation feature
You can wield a wire in each of your fingers. The damage die/dice for extra wire on each hand is a d4.

  • Weighed Chain: You can now Restrained creatures from size Tiny to Large, Huge at 11th level, and Gargantuan at 18th level.
  • Whip: The whip’s damage die increases to 2d6, 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, 5d6 at 18th level.

Wire Traps

3rd-level Wire Manipulation feature
As an Action, you can use 1 of your wires to create a trap within 10ft of you. Wires used in this way fade from existence if/when the trap is triggered.
All traps have an identification DC. If a creature’s Passive Perception (PP) is equal to or greater than the DC, they can automatically detect a trap within 15ft of them. Any Saving Throw as part of a trap’s effect has the same DC as the trap’s Identification DC (ID DC). A creature that hasn’t isn’t aware of a trap makes any Saving Throws at disadvantage. Traps fade from existence when triggered, unless said otherwise.

  • Tripwire: You place an invisible wire intended to knock your enemies prone.
    • Trigger: 10ft line, ID DC: 17
    • Effect: If a creature enters the trigger, must succeed on a Dexterity Saving Throw or take damage equal to your whip wire’s damage and falling Prone.
  • Clothes Line: You place an invisible wire at neck height, intended to choke your enemies.
    • Trigger: 10ft line, ID DC: 15
    • Effect: If a creature enters the trigger, must succeed Dexterity Saving Throw or be afflicted by the Crushed Windpipe injury (see below).
  • Barbed Wire: You place an invisible spiral of wire, intended to cut and slow your enemies.
    • Trigger: 10ft square, ID DC: 15
    • Effect: The trigger area of this trap is Difficult Terrain and whenever a creature enters the trigger area, they take damage equal to your weighted chain wire’s damage.This trap remains for 10 minutes regardless of if it is triggered or not.

Angel of Death

6th-level Wire Manipulation feature
When you have 2 or more wires summoned at a time, you can spend 2 CE and make an attack with all of them simultaneously, when you do so you make only 1 attack. The attack gains a +1 to hit for every 2 wires up to +3 (1 = +0, 2 = +1, 4 = +2, 6 = +3). For damage, all dice are rolled at the same time, but you only add your ability modifier once.
Additionally, whenever you have 5 or more wires summoned, you gain a Fly speed equal to your walk speed.

Master of Control

6th-level Wire Manipulation feature
You can maintain the Restrained effect of your wires for up to 30ft.

Phantom Strings

11th-level Wire Manipulation feature
Your wires become Invisible and made of Adamantine.

  • Weighed Chain: Creatures have disadvantage on their Strength check to escape.
  • Whip: You have advantage on attack rolls to hit creatures that don’t have Blindsight.

Death Marionette

11th-level Wire Manipulation feature
As a Reaction when a creature within 30ft of you drops to 0 HP, you can send 2 wires to their body (you can summon up to 2 wires as part of this Reaction, if you don’t have enough summoned), and spend 10 CE, turning them into a puppet.
The puppet has HP equal to PB * your level.
The puppet has an AC equal to the AC it had in life.
The puppet uses your CE for any techniques it casts.
The puppet has a 30ft Fly (Hover) speed.
If the puppet is ever more than 30ft away from you, your wires break & the puppet falls to the ground.
As a Bonus Action you can control your puppet to take 1 Action from the below.

  • Attack: Makes 2 attacks with a weapon it had in life.
  • Defend: Your puppet places itself in front of a creature of your choice, giving them half cover & granting them the Evasion feature, until the start of your next turn. If the defended creature uses the Evasion feature, your puppet takes the damage they would have taken.
  • Sorcery: Your puppet can cast any 1 Action CT feature it had in life, using your CE.

Domain Expansion: Angel’s Web

18th-level Wire Manipulation feature

  • This is a Lethal Domain.
  • While in your domain the range of your wires is doubled.
  • While in your domain, as a Free Action at the start of your turn, you can form a Binding Vow with yourself, forgoing your domain's Sure Hit Effect, in exchange you can choose to maim creatures rather than targeting their HP.
  • When you form this Binding Vow, attacks with your wires deal no damage, on a hit, instead targets take a Lingering Injury (if the creature can't take the rolled injury, re-roll it).
  • Injuries taken from this effect can't be healed by RTC while your domain remains up.
  • This Binding Vow lasts until the start of your next turn.

Crushed Windpipe

You cannot speak and you’re under the effects of Bane.
This injury is cured when you complete a Long Rest or if you or another creature succeeds on a DC 17 Wisdom (Medicine) check as an Action.